Debugging Named and Anonymous Functions in JavaScript: A Closer Look at Stack Traces

Aditya Yadav
4 min readJan 8, 2025


Debugging JavaScript can often feel like trying to untangle a web of stack traces and cryptic error messages. A well-structured codebase with meaningful function names and clear debugging practices can make this process significantly easier. But there’s an often-overlooked aspect of debugging that can save you hours of frustration: understanding how function names (or the lack thereof) affect error stack traces.

Let’s dive into a practical example that demonstrates how to write readable and debuggable JavaScript code, with an emphasis on the difference between named and anonymous functions in stack traces.

The Code

Here’s a code snippet showcasing different function styles and how they behave in error stack traces:

// Named function example
function addTwoNumbersNamed(x, y) {
console.log("Inside named function: addTwoNumbersNamed");
throw new Error("Error occurred in named function: addTwoNumbersNamed");
return x + y;

// Anonymous function assigned to a variable
const addTwoNumbersAnonymous = function (x, y) {
console.log("Inside anonymous function: addTwoNumbersAnonymous");
throw new Error("Error occurred in anonymous function: addTwoNumbersAnonymous");
return x + y;

// Arrow function
const addTwoNumbersArrow = (x, y) => {
console.log("Inside arrow function: addTwoNumbersArrow");
throw new Error("Error occurred in arrow function: addTwoNumbersArrow");
return x + y;

// Anonymous function in a callback (e.g., setTimeout)
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("Inside anonymous function in setTimeout");
throw new Error("Error occurred in setTimeout callback function");
}, 1000);

// Simulate errors to test stack traces
function simulateError(func) {
try {
console.log("Simulating error for the provided function...");
console.log(func(10, 5)); // Calls the function and logs the result
} catch (error) {
console.error("Caught an error:");
// This will show the stack trace with function names

// Calling simulateError with different types of functions
// simulateError(addTwoNumbersNamed); // Named function
// simulateError(addTwoNumbersAnonymous); // Anonymous function
// simulateError(addTwoNumbersArrow); // Arrow function

simulateError(function (x, y) {
console.log("Inside inline anonymous function passed to simulateError");
throw new Error("Error occurred in inline anonymous function");
return x / 0;

Named vs Anonymous Functions: What’s the Difference in Stack Traces?

Named Functions

  • When an error occurs inside a named function, the function name appears in the stack trace.
  • This makes it easy to identify where the error originated.

Example Stack Trace:

Error: Error occurred in named function: addTwoNumbersNamed
at addTwoNumbersNamed (<filename>:3:11)
at simulateError (<filename>:20:13)
at <filename>:32:1

Key Takeaway: Named functions provide clear context in the stack trace, including the exact function where the error occurred.

Anonymous Functions Assigned to Variables

  • When an anonymous function is assigned to a variable (e.g., const addTwoNumbersAnonymous), the variable name is used as the function name in the stack trace.
  • This is still useful, as it gives some indication of the function’s purpose.

Example Stack Trace:

Error: Error occurred in anonymous function: addTwoNumbersAnonymous
at addTwoNumbersAnonymous (<filename>:9:11)
at simulateError (<filename>:20:13)
at <filename>:32:1

Key Takeaway: Assigning anonymous functions to variables ensures better traceability in stack traces.

Pure Anonymous Functions

  • If an anonymous function is not assigned to a variable (e.g., inline functions or callbacks), the stack trace does not include a meaningful function name.
  • Instead, the trace may simply indicate <anonymous>, making it harder to pinpoint the exact source of the error.

Example Stack Trace:

Error: Error occurred in inline anonymous function
at <anonymous> (<filename>:29:11)
at simulateError (<filename>:20:13)
at <filename>:32:1

Key Takeaway: Pure anonymous functions provide no context in the stack trace, leading to debugging challenges.

Why These Changes Matter

Debugging Ease

Named Functions in Stack Traces:

Stack traces for named functions clearly indicate the function where the error occurred, simplifying debugging.

Example: at addTwoNumbersNamed (<filename>:3:11).

Anonymous Functions and Traceability:

  • When anonymous functions are assigned to variables, the variable name is used in the stack trace. This is better than <anonymous> but still less explicit than named functions.

Pure Anonymous Functions:

  • Functions that are neither named nor assigned to variables result in ambiguous stack traces with <anonymous> entries, making them harder to debug.


  • Organizing the code with meaningful names and early log messages makes it easier for developers to understand the flow of execution.


  • Clear function names and explicit error messages reduce ambiguity and make the codebase easier to revisit after months (or for new team members).

When to Use This Approach

Debugging Complex Systems:

  • In asynchronous operations, callbacks, or distributed systems, having clear stack traces is essential.

Code Reviews:

Explicit function names and logs help reviewers quickly understand the code’s intent.

Large Teams:

  • Consistency in function naming and error handling ensures everyone can debug efficiently.


Debugging JavaScript isn’t just about fixing errors — it’s about designing your code to prepare for errors. By naming your functions meaningfully, assigning anonymous functions to variables, and logging early, you can transform debugging from a frustrating ordeal into a streamlined process.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Always use named functions wherever possible.
  2. If you use anonymous functions, assign them to variables to improve stack trace readability.
  3. Avoid pure anonymous functions unless absolutely necessary.

In the end, the goal is to write code that not only works but also communicates. By adopting these practices, you’ll be well on your way to writing JavaScript code that’s as easy to understand as it is to execute.

Got tips or tricks for debugging JavaScript? Share them in the comments below! 🚀



Aditya Yadav
Aditya Yadav

Written by Aditya Yadav

Software Engineer who talks about tech concepts in web development

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